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Kingdom Life Coaching: Hear God's Voice and Discover Your Purpose Through Christian Coaching and Spirit-Led Conversations

Jul 25, 2023

Ep 19 // Releasing Your Concerns to God

What if you could tell God ANYTHING you are thinking! What if He not only can handle what you have to say but WANTS to hear what you have to say. If you are ready to release your emotions to God to experience greater awareness, connections, and peace - this episode is for you!

Jul 18, 2023

Ep 18 // How to Start Journaling with God

Megan builds on the theme of how writing out your conversations with God is a form of worship that leads to connections, clarity, and supernatural peace. Does journaling often feel daunting - either because you don’t know what to say or you have TOO many things to say! In this...

Jul 11, 2023

Ep 17 // Positioning Yourself to Hear from God

Megan builds on the theme of how writing out your conversations with God is a form of worship. This episode unpacks the transformative experience called, “Beautiful Exchange Journaling.” 

Join Megan as she discusses:

  • How the book of Habakkuk (and the prophet himself)...

Jul 4, 2023

Ep 16 // 3 Things to Do When God Seems Silent 


No matter how long you’ve walked with God, there will likely be times when God seems silent. When you pray, and seek, and knock and hear nothing, sense nothing...What are you to do in those moments?


Join Megan as she discusses:

  • What to do when it feels like you are...